

After months of being subjected to my coworkers' bra straps, hot pants, and yes, bare feet, one coworker's outfit yesterday was just the, ahem, "best." Once I determined that we are not (in fact) running a strip joint, I asked my supervisor if he could please provide a copy of the company dress code policy to the worst wardrobe offenders.

Turns out The Company does not have a written dress code. Which is ironic, since The Company tries to monitor every aspect of its employees lives right down to bathroom breaks and caloric intake during lunch.

No dress code, eh? Maybe The Company assumes that any given employee has the common sense required to dress for work. Office-type work, that is. Unfortunately, The Company has assumed incorrectly and my department is a gold mine for what would--in any other office, I'm sure--be dress code violations.

But The Company says there is no dress code. Alright. Then let the games begin.

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